Sunday, August 2, 2009

July 3 - Memphis and Little Rock

In Memphis we hung out on Beale Street and I was mesmerized. The signage there is overwhelming. I would have love to see it at night time all aglow instead of mid afternoon. Every store front is begging you to enter with signs, music, or actual people outside carnival calling and schmoozing passersby. And everyone has lunch time happy hours. It was kind of awesome.

We spoiled ourselves with giant $5 beers at lunch time. I don't think I could finish mine.

Long happy hour ever - 11:30am to 7:00pm

Segway Cops

Although we were in Memphis we did not make it over to Graceland even though I really wanted to take a peak at it. We did buy an Elvis car decal though to make up for it. He boogied on the side of our blue showstopper all the way around America!

We then headed to Little Rock.

This is Central High, the first desegregated school. The school is humongous and resembles a castle. Being that it was summer, the school was closed and we couldn't poke around. It is honestly the largest high school I've ever seen. Sad though it is surrounded by boarded up houses and shops with broken cars parked on the street.

After exploring the city a bit we quickly realized that Little Rock kind of blows and returned to our campsite. There we found the kids of the family occupying the campground next to us frolicking about in poop sewage. The nearby bathroom and their RV must have had a drainage problem and the air reeked of poopie. The smell alone was horrible, but to then watch 3 little boys run around in the poopie puddles while their parents looked on lovingly was completely disturbing. Sick freaks. To make a stinky situation slightly bearable Jason and I ventured to a nearby gas station to pick up 40s of Smirnoff. Why Smirnoff? I have no idea. It just felt right.
Not a big fan of Little Rock.

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