Sunday, June 28, 2009

Farrah Faucet, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays

Its been a sad week for the living. Two major stars died this week and just today, Billy Mays (the guy who did OxiClean, OrangeGlo, etc commercials) was found dead. Although you may not know any of these people personally, is it ok to get upset? I heard people crying hysterically on the radio over MJ's death. Yeah its sad, I feel bad for all of them and their family's and their friends and fans. So is it ok to feel foolish for being upset? Or should we embrace the irrational and all give one good sob for the fallen celebs?

While others were out dying this week, I stressed over my upcoming road trip, tried to hang out with lost friends, stressed some more, bought a GPS, and stressed myself out more. Jason and I were trying to leave tomorrow (Monday) morning, but he forgot he needs to get fitted for a tux. Hah! WTF? So we'll probs be around until Wednesday.
Brain Garvon and the half eaten cheesecake
Friday night at Carpool: where no body knows your name.
Saturday morning with Pops and Jason. Location: Amphora Diner. Why: Belgian Waffles.

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