Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Lord, I was born a ramblin' man

Tomorrow Jason and I head out on our grand journey across America. I'm going to try and keep things updated when possible, but that could be tricky considering we will be spending the majority of our time in the car or in a campsite. I'm only a little nervous and a lot overwhelmed, but I think it'll be ok. First stop is the Smoky Mountains!
I was walking around the backyard and found this little car. It must have been buried for years until one of the dogs dug it up. I thought it fitting. It almost looks like its barreling across a wooded forest in search of the greener side.

I Did Something Stranger...

I really did not like the orange/blonde/ugly that my head had become. So I upgraded to this raw red that I'm falling mad for.

And this is my cat in a box.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Farrah Faucet, Michael Jackson, and Billy Mays

Its been a sad week for the living. Two major stars died this week and just today, Billy Mays (the guy who did OxiClean, OrangeGlo, etc commercials) was found dead. Although you may not know any of these people personally, is it ok to get upset? I heard people crying hysterically on the radio over MJ's death. Yeah its sad, I feel bad for all of them and their family's and their friends and fans. So is it ok to feel foolish for being upset? Or should we embrace the irrational and all give one good sob for the fallen celebs?

While others were out dying this week, I stressed over my upcoming road trip, tried to hang out with lost friends, stressed some more, bought a GPS, and stressed myself out more. Jason and I were trying to leave tomorrow (Monday) morning, but he forgot he needs to get fitted for a tux. Hah! WTF? So we'll probs be around until Wednesday.
Brain Garvon and the half eaten cheesecake
Friday night at Carpool: where no body knows your name.
Saturday morning with Pops and Jason. Location: Amphora Diner. Why: Belgian Waffles.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I Did Something Wierd...

Attack Of The Pumpkin Head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Way We Were

I haven't seen this movie in years and was in the mood for a classic romance. Robert Redford was freaking beautiful back in the day. Yaooza. And although I don't totally understand Barbara Streisand's appeal, her quirky looks are starting to grow on me.

Insomnia Blingmonia

Do you ever randomly suffer from nights of insomnia?
I came home mildly drunk last night at about 1:30am and then sat around twitzing for a while until trying to hit the hay at 3:30am. But after a few hours of sleep I woke up and was unable to fall asleep for the rest of the night/morning. Around 8am I gave up and started to watch TV and play with Axl Rose.
So tonight, instead of going out with friends or raging it with my little brother and his handful of friends, I'm sitting in my room watching movies due to exhaustion and getting drunk on koolaid and Burnetts (all in thanks to the mini fridge I recently moved to my room and am fully ecstatic about). Sometimes its shocking how lame I let my life get. Anyways, I did allow myself to be slightly productive tonight and accomplished some sewing creations.
One Side

Other Side

I made this camera case because even though I paid an incredible price for my camera, it did not come with a case. I even added Velcro! Very proud of myself.

I also made these eyes. I never used eyes or "eye masks" until a few years ago but I now find I can not sleep with out them. My last pair I made with a fleece Hello Kitty fabric and were adorable, but after being in my room for months I found that the fleece tended to attract crazy amounts of cat hair. Nasty. So this pair is made out of cotton and silk. Fancy Shmancy. Still quite proud of myself.

Chainsaw Baby

Faye and I bought tickets to see our friend Carlo's band at the State Theatre last night. The band is called Chainsaw Baby (aka the loss of innocence) and would be described as heavy metal. I didn't really know what to expect but was totally blown away! I was really impressed and pretty much in awe of the entire show. We have known Carlo since he was five and it was wild to see him as a long haired rockin bass beast. Bravo.

Beforehand I went to Faye's to have a drink and play with Jax. They always make me laugh and are a pleasure to be around when Jax isn't mock stabbing Faye with a real butcher's knife. But I did get some watermelon.

Cute Flower Belt

I'm incapable of taking cute pictures with cute boys.


My parents have been asking me for weeks to go to PetsMart and buy a pool for the dogs thinking they will happily splash inside the tiny bucket. I personally thought it was foolish because it is only going to be one more item that will be left muddy and discarded, tarnished by the trio of pups. I finally caved and ventured to PetsMart yesterday and bought the freaking pool. I also filled it up on the porch with hopes that maybe I was wrong and the dogs would love it. My intial reaction was correct. Moose simply just sat next to it confused. Riley drank water out of it before trying to pee in it. And Doc wouldn't even leave the house.
Mission Failed.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Smart People

I just bought a winter coat. Its the middle of June. Its like 80 degrees outside. I'm constantly swooned by clearance sales. Smart?

Monday, June 15, 2009

Is Your Daddy Dealing Cuz You're Doubt To Me

Having no real plans for today other than recovering from a long yet awesome weekend, I decided to journey to the library.
I'm traveling cross country with my older brother in about 2 weeks and neither of us has done a lick of planning. I figured checking out some road tripping books might be a good idea.
Being a sucker for biographies, I quickly got sidetracked and found two good looking reads. IN My Blood by John Sedgwick (Edie Sedgwick's brother). Looks like its basically about the generations of crazy in his family. I was looking for a bio on Edie, so I figured this was close enough. Second, Wonderful Tonight by Pattie Boyd. She was the musical muse for George Harrison and Eric Clapton. Not bad eh?
I can't stop wearing these shoes! The great part is the more I wear them the less they seem to hurt my feet and the better I get at walking in them (minus falling in the parking lot in Woodbridge).
I got this grey tee from Urban Outfitters a few weeks ago and I love it. Its simple, versatile, and with a huge folding neckline there seem to be endless possibilities how to wear it. For example:

Please excuse my unwashed hair and the caked on eye liner from the night before. I seem to constantly walk around living the "morning after" look. I'm just too lazy to shower everyday? Gross?

"Certain types of people you can't trust. Never trust anyone who doesn't smoke pot or listen to Bob Dylan. Never trust anyone who doesn't like the beach. Never ever ever trust anyone who says they don't like dogs." ~ The Wackness