Do you ever randomly suffer from nights of insomnia?
I came home mildly drunk last night at about 1:30am and then sat around twitzing for a while until trying to hit the hay at 3:30am. But after a few hours of sleep I woke up and was unable to fall asleep for the rest of the night/morning. Around 8am I gave up and started to watch TV and play with Axl Rose.
So tonight, instead of going out with friends or raging it with my little brother and his handful of friends, I'm sitting in my room watching movies due to exhaustion and getting drunk on koolaid and Burnetts (all in thanks to the mini fridge I recently moved to my room and am fully ecstatic about). Sometimes its shocking how lame I let my life get. Anyways, I did allow myself to be slightly productive tonight and accomplished some sewing creations.
Other Side
I made this camera case because even though I paid an incredible price for my camera, it did not come with a case. I even added Velcro! Very proud of myself.
I also made these eyes. I never used eyes or "eye masks" until a few years ago but I now find I can not sleep with out them. My last pair I made with a fleece Hello Kitty fabric and were adorable, but after being in my room for months I found that the fleece tended to attract crazy amounts of cat hair. Nasty. So this pair is made out of cotton and silk. Fancy Shmancy. Still quite proud of myself.